Jun 5Edited

A separate comment: I dont see vinegar based shrubs on the list? And dry-hopped infusions , esp. hop water (they are very different than alc free beer! unforntunaely in german, but you can translate: https://www.hopstore.fr/de/houblonner-au-lieu-de-fermenter-lavenir-des-boissons-sans-alcool-au-travers-du-houblon/

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Shrubs are on there! Plus a few vinegar-based drinks.

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Yes - found them - but the hops water :)

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I love hop water! Is that a traditional beverage or something new?

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I'd say its a traditional drink as well? But i havent researched this. :)

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This is great!

to replace beer or wine, my very personal criteria would be

a) dry (i.e. non-sweet, we have a german word "herb" for it - what a beer or wine is) -> exclude milk- or juice-based drinks, etc. but also water

b) entirely caffein free -> often excludes kombucha

c) cold , ideally refreshing (sparkling) -> excludes tea, etc.

So far, only alc-free alternatives do that (better or worse), e.g. alc-free beer.

Some vinegar-based shrubs go in the direction, but often they remain quite sweet.

I wonder if you have any suggestions from your list?

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Most have some sweetener, though some may be drier than others. I don't have an exact recipe yet, but Gladiator Gatorade from Ancient Rome that uses ashes, vinegar, and water might hit the spot. Use citrus ash from spent lemon peels that have been charred, bubbly water and a flavorful drinking vinegar.

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I'd be super keen on a receipe if you find anything - (or trying to develop one together?) I'm DC based :)

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Awesome! So many new drinks to try!

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Let me know what you try!

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