Always comin’ in hot with what I need to see.

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Your last paragraph is pure wisdom. I drink very little anymore. I've gone from 60 drinks (glasses of wine) to about 6, monthly. I honestly don't care what's in someone else's glass. Except that I have a dear friend who is a very heavy drinker and I wish she would cut way back. I want her in my life for years to come. I have another friend who is married to a wine importer and I know they have been affected $ by the reduction in wine consumption. Last, but not least, my recent book, Mostly Sober: A Love Story and a Road Trip, has somewhat alienated a few of my friends. I think they feel judged. Not sure what to do. It's a sensitive subject among friends. Any wisdom? Thanks so very much, Susan

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I feel like you probably got this. You cannot change one's profession, fears, or drinking. But to offer true friendship is something surprisingly rare in most people's lives. And it's even rarer when that friend offers the space to others to let them be themselves without judgment or confrontation. By no means does this mean you should ignore someone who is drinking heavily and risking their lives. But it might mean getting curious and asking them why they drink that way. Otherwise, realize that if telling your story alienates your friends, you have probably gained more than lost in that exchange.

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“Persistence is the enduring belief in our ability to succeed. However, it’s important to make a distinction: Persisting in a foolish idea is not a virtue”

Love this!

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Thank you for saying so!

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Thank you Derek.

Your compassion and wisdom are deeply appreciated.

All the very best,


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