How am I just now seeing this!? I loved your behind the scenes at SFWS (I want a white lab coat!) and wholeheartedly agree that MAKING THE LIQUID DELICIOUS is of paramount importance. Thank you for the nod / rec to my WAFA BTS. "Intrepid NA spirits expert" -- that's some high praise!!
I've judged as well, and the issue for me is palate fatigue. By the endof a long day, the nuances are harder to pick up, and scoring is often more varied amongst the judging panel. It's a tough gig.
How am I just now seeing this!? I loved your behind the scenes at SFWS (I want a white lab coat!) and wholeheartedly agree that MAKING THE LIQUID DELICIOUS is of paramount importance. Thank you for the nod / rec to my WAFA BTS. "Intrepid NA spirits expert" -- that's some high praise!!
My articles are sometimes a slow burn, hahaha.
I've judged as well, and the issue for me is palate fatigue. By the endof a long day, the nuances are harder to pick up, and scoring is often more varied amongst the judging panel. It's a tough gig.
Yup. That happens. Easier with zero proof, for sure.